Loughborough Freshers Week 2016 – The Inside Scoop

With just one week to go until LSU Freshers 2016 kicks off, we’ve got the inside scoop to help you get ahead of the curve and suck the most out of the best two weeks of the uni year!
Freshers week (actually lets be accurate, Freshers fortnight!) is where it’s at for uni noobs and returning students alike, but with so much going on over the two weeks, it can be hard to know where to start!
Luckily we’ve got tonnes of experience, with over 15 years of freshers’ fun under our belt (I know, we’d be jealous too!) But we’re all about sharing the love at Andrew Chell, so here are our top tips and tricks to help you get ahead of the curve during Freshers 2016 and suck the most out of the best two weeks of your uni year!
But first, a little introduction from the Loughborough Students Union…
Our Top Tips for Loughborough Freshers 2016
Get Your Social Media On
Not that any of you will need any encouragement whatsoever in this department, but make sure you’re following the right people!
There’s literally an account for EVERYTHING at Loughborough, so make sure you’re following all the pages, people, and societies that matter to you!
Check out our list of all the official LSU and Loughborough uni accounts that you should be following on twitter.
Get Your Platinum Card
If you don’t already know about the LSU’s platinum and gold card’s then this is everything you need to know…
Going away present anyone?!
Get To Know Your LSU Exec
They’re a super friendly bunch and they really do have all the answers… Just look at those smiling faces!
Psst – they’re all on twitter too so get following!!
Register With The Campus Medical Centre
If you haven’t done this already, DO IT NOW!
Fresher’s flu is REAL and while the doctors won’t be able to prescribe anything for it if you get struck down (except lots of lemsip and fluids!), it’s better to be registered ahead of time in case you need to visit the doc for something more serious in your first few weeks at uni.
Believe me, you’ll thank us in October for this little nugget of wisdom.
As we’ve already said there is A LOT going on over the course of Freshers and you’d need to be self-charging robot that requires ZERO sleep to be able to attend everything and not feel the effects (see the aforementioned fresher’s flu warning!)
Instead, check out the schedule, decide what you really want to go to and what you could happily miss and plan accordingly.
Don’t Blow Your ENTIRE Student Loan During Freshers Week
Tempting as this may be you’ll need to eat eventually… so make sure you watch those pennies during Freshers.
Don’t Miss Your Induction!
While this may not be one of the most exciting events during Freshers week, it’s really important that you actually attend your course induction!
You can find out when and where your course induction is here.
Last but not least, don’t forget to HAVE AN AWESOME FRESHERS 2016!!!
Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 01509 552814
Mobile:07769 684800
Email: [email protected]
Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE
Published 20th September 2016