Welcome to Student Living by Andrew Chell

3 Things to Consider when looking at Student Houses
Starting to look for student housing, whether you’re in your first year or your last, is both exciting and daunting. There are so many places to see, good and bad, that making the right decision can feel overwhelming and challenging. Your university years are your first real chance at independence, so making the right decisions feels like a big deal. At Andrew Chell, we have seen our fair share of student housing, from 3-bedroom apartments to 6-bed houses big enough for all of your friends. Our experience with student accommodation has given us a great knowledge of things you should consider when looking for your next student house. 3 Things to Look for When Choosing a Student House It’s easy to get caught up in the house-hunting frenzy, with the worry that you won’t end up getting the best house, or one with enough room for you and all of your friends. Try not to get caught up in the panic and make an informed decision when viewing student houses. There’s a lot to consider when house hunting, including distance to your campus or number of rooms. Outlined below we have our top three things you should […]

The Student’s Guide to Surviving the Cost of Living Crisis
With the cost of living on the rise in the UK, it would be easy to forget about the impact it may be having on those in higher education. As things such as food and energy bills become more expensive and student loans become even more uneven, the government adjustments still fall well short of what a student needs to not just thrive, but also survive. According to a recent survey from Savanta, over three-quarters of students are “concerned” about how the rising costs may affect the outcome of their time in higher education. Here at Andrew Chell, we have put together this guide to assist students who are concerned about the rising cost of living. With the help of this guide and a few handy tips, students will be able to stave off the worst of the worry by saving money where possible. Budget your Maintenance Loans at The Start of Term One of the best ways to get ahead of any financial troubles is to lay out your finances at the start of the term. By then you will be aware of how much you will be receiving as well as how much will be going […]

The Top 5 Student Pubs Near Loughborough University
Moving away from home to university can bring about a whole new world of opportunities, from learning to live on your own, trying new things, making friends and typically lots of trips to the local pub. Whilst your studies are the most important element of the university experience, the nightlife is a big part of university culture, with most students spending their time in and out of the pub. Loughborough is the perfect central location for a night out on the town. The market town allows for easy access to entertainment nightlife and the neighbouring cities of Leicester and Nottingham. Whether you are a fresher looking for your new local or a third-year trying to make your way through Loughborough’s finest pubs, bars and clubs before graduation, there’s something for every Loughborough student. The Top 5 Student Pubs Near Loughborough University Loughborough Students’ Union Loughborough’s student union is one of the biggest and best in the UK. The union is unique amongst other UK universities, as the premises are owned by the students themselves. With its own pizzeria, club, pub and bar, you can’t go wrong with a night out at Loughborough’s Student Union. Much of the union is open […]

Financial Experts Reveal Their Top Tips for Managing Money at University
For most students, going to university will be your first real experience of living independently. But although it’s generally smooth sailing for most students, there are often some teething issues – especially when it comes to finances! You’ve suddenly got a big chunk of money in the form of your student loan, and it’s very tempting to blow it all in the first few weeks of the semester and leave yourself destitute. This New Year, we’re sure many students want to get a better grip on their finances. Whether it’s Fresher’s Week regret, a worryingly large overdraft, or just the feeling that you seriously need a budget, we’ve got you covered. We’ve got in touch with 14 experts on money and student life, and have asked them to share their top tips and insights on managing money whilst at university. From better planned food shops, to managing bank accounts, and planning student budgets, these tips cover everything you need to know. Take a look below and read through all their fantastic suggestions. Camille Dupont | Head of Creatives at www.thenationalstudent.com “Write down what you spend so that you can see exactly where your money goes. And actually do check your bank […]

The Most Instagrammed UK University Library
While we all know that getting a great degree, meeting new people, and bettering ourselves is the main goal of going to university, it would be naive to think the experience doesn’t also add to our social lives and to our social media. In fact, from tagging your university campus in that sunset pic to tagging your student halls in your pre-drinks selfie going to uni can do wonders for your social media. This raises an important question, which university has the most picture-worthy libraries? In a quest to find out which UK university library is the most picture-perfect, we have taken to Instagram to identify how many hashtags each library has on the app. The Top 35 UK University Libraries We found that, to no surprise, the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Libraries are the most Instagrammable uni library with over 2800 tags. Oxford University’s campus and grounds are well known for their impressive beauty and if you got into Oxford, you can’t blame anyone for wanting to show it off. The University of Surrey takes 2nd place with over 2,250 tags, followed by Cambridge at 3rd place, the University of Manchester at 4th with over 1,500 tags, and the […]

Which UK City Learned The Most During Lockdown
2020 saw the UK join a third of the world’s population in a lockdown due to Coronavirus. Lockdown was announced on the 23rd of March in an attempt to slow down the spread of the virus and resulted in 8.9 million workers being furloughed in the UK and a record number of people working from home. During the lockdown, a large number of people in the UK used this time to improve their skill set or find a new hobby. By looking at Google Search Trends data, we have measured the massive increase in searches for terms We used the data gathered to find out which UK city learnt the most during lockdown. Unsurprisingly, London is ranking high on the list, but it’s Birmingham taking the lead with a score of 287. London, Leeds and Manchester follow in second, third and fourth position. The value given is based on a higher proportion of all searches, instead of a higher search count. So a city with a smaller population where 80% of the searches were for “online courses” will get a higher score than a city with a larger population where only 40% of searches were for “online courses”. This explains […]

A Useful Guide to Viewing Student Houses
Get on top of the things you need to look out for when choosing your student accommodation and ensure you bag the perfect student house for next year, with our Useful Guide to Viewing Student Houses.

GREAT NEWS – we’ve extended our amazing cashback offer!!
DON’T get caught up in the Summer Term student house hunting FRENZY… Sign-up for a house with us before the end of FEBRUARY and GET £100 CASHBACK for every housemate* – SERIOUSLY!

How to Nail Christmas on a Student Budget
Get yourself to the top of Santa’s Nice List this Christmas with these thoughtful gift ideas to help you nail Christmas without going broke!

REFER A FRIEND | Get £100 CASH If They Book a House for the Next Academic Year
Already booked a place to live next year…?
REFER A FRIEND to Andrew Chell and we’ll give you £100 CASH for every house booked as a result of your referral(s)* – Seriously!