A Useful Guide To Viewing Student Houses

By the end of this year, you should have your house sorted for your next academic year. This may seem like a big step, but don’t worry, we’ve got a guide of things to look for to help you chose the perfect student house for your second or third year at university.
One of the first things you will need to do is decide who you are going to live with. So it’s important to bear in mind the number of rooms in houses near where you are looking. If you’re in a bigger group it will be tricky to keep everyone happy, so it may be easier to stick to smaller groups.
Another thing to keep in mind is to not rush your decision. Many students settle on the first house they see, but if you start looking early enough you’ll be able to take your time with choosing the right house.
You can check out our ‘7 Common Pitfalls Every Student Should Avoid When House Hunting‘ blog to get an idea about what NOT to do when you’re starting out on that all important house hunt.
Things To Look For When Viewing Student Houses:
Location –
This is important when choosing any type of accommodation.
When looking for houses as a student you need to take into consideration how close the house is to bus stops, supermarkets, your university campus etc.
You may be more drawn to an area because of other friends that are living there, but think realistically about how far you’d have to travel every day.
Also, take a look around the streets before viewing the house, if you’d rather live in a nicer area, take some time to check out what type of things you’ll be sharing a neighbourhood with.
Safety –
As you may have seen on the news or on other social media sites, some student areas often fall victim to crime. It is therefore important to double check how safe the property is when looking around.
Make sure that doors and windows are secure when locked. If you have any queries or worries about the security of the area, mention it to the landlord so they know it is something you are conscious of.
Again, as above, check out the surrounding streets and area too; make sure it’s a well-lit street as you will be living there when it’s dark early. As well as security, safety is highly important so you should check that the property has working fire alarms in the correct places.
Water Supply –
If you’re sharing a property with a large group, chances are a couple of people will be using bathrooms at the same time and they will get used several times a day. If there is poor water pressure, this will make life very tricky!
Damp –
A common problem in poorly looked after student houses is damp.
Many landlords think that they can get away with allowing students to live in these conditions. They can’t.
Damp can cause health problems and should be dealt with at the earliest stage, should it appear. When viewing a property, take an extra second to look at ceilings and around windows to see if you can spot any damp at all.
Electrical Appliances –
You should make sure that all electrical appliances are working within the household, as well as being clear on what is going to be included in the tenancy agreement. If you are sharing with a larger group, take in to account the size of the appliances.
If you are sharing with a larger group, take into account the size of the appliances. If you don’t think they are sufficient, mention it to your landlord and they should rectify the problem.
Insulation –
Energy bills are one of the biggest costs students struggle with if they aren’t already included in your rent.
If you double check how well the house is insulated before choosing it, this could save a lot of money. Look for things like double glazed windows, a good heating system, secure doors etc.
Previous Tenants –
One of the best things to do if you are unsure about a property is chat to the existing tenants, or ask the landlord for any reviews they may have received.
Nobody will know how good a house is to live in like the people who are already living in it. Some landlords will be happy to put you in touch with their tenants, which is always a good sign.
After Viewing Student Houses:
If You Like The House Act Quickly –
After you’ve viewed some houses and made your decision you should act quickly to make sure you get the property you’re after. Landlords will work on a first come first serve basis, not which tenants they think would like it more!
Some students don’t wait if they are aware of the above points and have been super savvy about picking the right house. However, don’t make a rash decision — going away to sleep on it is a good idea to make sure you are happy with everything before you sign a contract.
Confirm Your Moving In Date –
You don’t want to be evicted from one property and not have another one to move into!
Most landlords will let you move into a property at the beginning of the summer, but it’s worth just double checking to be sure.
Be Clear On Costs –
Make sure you are clear on the costs of the house; how much you will be paying for the deposit, rent, any bills etc.
Also, confirm how and when you will need to pay rent so you can set everything up with your bank and not incur any issues.
It may seem like there’s a lot to be wary of and think about, but all of the above will make your life a lot easier once you’ve moved in! So, good luck in finding the perfect property and don’t hesitate to contact Andrew Chell for any further advice on finding the perfect student property in Loughborough.
Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 01509 552814
Mobile:07769 684800
Email: [email protected]
Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE
Published 11th September 2014